Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Welcome New Member

If you're just getting to this point, allow me to introduce myself.  My name is James Enelow, and I'm a young cosplayer looking to improve my cosplay.  I also created and maintain to the best of my ability, DFW Cosplay Gallifrey with a lot of help.

This is our blog.  At present it is slightly empty because I've yet to realize its full potential.

So without further  ado, welcome to Cosplay Gallifrey.

You a re probably here, because you were recruited at a con, or a friend recommended you, or you found us.

All are excellent ways to get involved so let me run some things by you first.  A while back i wrote a note on face book, and I'm going to make that note readable by all members.

Here are the essential rules of being a new member.

Basic Rules:

1. One Costume:   You must have one doctor who themed costume.  That costume may be a Tardis Dress, and it may be store bought.  If you are working on a costume, we require 45 percent of it to be complete.  We have many seamstresses, and tailors and creators of props in our group, so if you need help, our people will help you, if you ask.  If you don't ask, you can't be helped.

2.  One event:  You must attend one Cosplay Gallifrey sanctioned event a year.  If you're there and our officers see you, your'e golden  if you can provide photographic evidence you were there, you're golden.  If we throw an event that doesn't require a costume, and you attend, you're golden, whether you wear your costume or not,

It's as simple as that.

Now some members may choose to be more active.  Those members we usually see more of are considered for something called "Cast List."  All Cast List means as that we think of them more regularly for organized photoshoots or projects when we need a certain doctor or companion.  Those more active members are also considered first for officer positions because of their activity and availability beyond basic membership.

Simple enough?

Advanced Rules:

Advanced Rules apply to Officers and planning committees.  We have them so members can know we don't usually run around acting like a dictatorship, and we take our members into account.  Meaning, we don't just nuke members or ban them because they act snarky.

Advanced rules are designed to protect members in the event of incidents or problems.  You can read these rules if you like, they are very specific and helpful and for protections.

One rule that is very specific however is that during public events, such as say a public photoshoot, we don't allow drinking before 6.  We have underage members, and also those underage, minors who are members will be protected.  If the event is private like a special photoshoot, and libations are available, you may drink, provided you are of age, but there is no public drinking in a public event, before 6.  That's a very simple rule and i think agreeable and good and fair.

What does Cosplay Gallifrey Do?

We're a Cosplay Group, which is only partially a Doctor Who Fan Group.

We love Doctor Who, but with all the other groups out there, specifically connected to Doctor Who Fandom, we are a Cosplay Group first and a fan organization second.  We have some of the best cosplayers around in our group.

We focus also on creating very specific activities that no other cosplay group does.  Such Cosplay activity sets us apart from other cosplay groups and out activities are creative and unique.

We have several tailors, seamstresses and great cosplayers in our group and we also focus on helping our members make their cosplays better.

The future of our group hopefully helps to bring most Doctor Who Cosplay under a professional standard, lie the 501st.  We recently opened a second Cosplay Gallifrey Chapter and we hope to open more in the future, setting a standard for Doctor Who Cosplay.

The last thing you should know is that we're here for you, if you need help of have ideas.  We love to hear them but a lot of new members stay silent.  The officers, like making events and like designing them for you, but we can't know what you might like, unless you speak up.  So, please, speak up and tell us what you might like, or even want.  We will do our best, within reason, to accomidate it, if its possible.

Being as active and non-active as you like is part of this group, so step up to the plate, and bring your A Game, and Cosplay Gallifrey will only improve and get better.

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