DFW Cosplay Gallifrey is a Cosplay Organization and Fan Group originating in the DFW Area. Its purpose is to elevate Doctor Who Cosplay to a larger level, eventually nationally.
Cosplay Gallifrey hopes to bring all Doctor Who Cosplay under one banner in the same vein that the 501st has brought Star Wars Cosplay under a national standard.
Cosplay Gallifrey is devoted to three principals: Providing creative activities and outlets for its Cosplayers, Connecting Doctor Who Cosplayers across the United States and elsewhere, and providing resources for both new and established Cosplayers to enter or succeed in the cosplay world. Cosplay Gallifrey is a Cosplay Organization First and Fan group second.
Recently, Cosplay Gallifrey opened a second chapter in Tulsa, Oklahoma, TOK Cosplay Gallifrey, which is growing rapidly. Cosplay Gallifrey has contacts and unofficial friends with several other groups around the country.